21 Savage Offers Some Sound Advice On Success & Social Media

21 knows better than anyone what it means to be successful.

Social media has been a gift and a curse for humanity. While that probably comes across as a heavyhanded statement, there are certainly some people out there who are going to agree. Social media is able to bring millions people together and that’s a wonderful thing. While this may be the case, it can also make people a lot more distant in real life and in some cases, it has led to anxiety and depression. We’re as reliant on social media as ever with some people taking way too much stock in their like or follower count.

In the world music, social media has presented itself as a barometer for popularity in terms your fanbase. Some artists think that a large following will result in success on the Billboard charts but this isn’t necessarily the case. As 21 Savage said so eloquently on Twitter recently, success and followers are two separate entities.

Over the past few years, 21 has had a steady rise to fame in the music industry and has always remained about his business. This has allowed him to grow a fanbase in an organic way and hip-hop fans respect him for it. Unlike others who resort to antics, 21 has always let it be about the music.

You have to figure his mindset will allow him to be successful for years and maybe decades to come.