10 W's With … IG Vixen Whitney Wright & Brett Rossi: "Best Actor Will Absolutely Have To Go To Daniel Kaluuya In 'Get Out'" –

With pop culture, sports, entertainment and hip-hop making up the majority social media, SOHH talks to personalities from all fields to get takes on anything and everything in “5 W’s With …” Adult film stars and models Brett Rossi and Whitney Wright join a special edition “5 W’s With …” convo to talk about everything from the upcoming Academy Awards and workouts to Black Panther and Team Apple.

1. Where – Do You Go Out & Get Your Grub On Any Given Day?

BR: Sushi … I’m basically obsessed with sushi. I live down the street from one the original Katsuya and I’m obsessed with their spicy tuna on crispy rice. That, or I go to The Roadhouse Grill by my house because they have good sides which is great for someone like me who doesn’t eat meat.

WW: I love grabbing Veggie Grill for lunch with my friends or grabbing brunch in Culver City.

2. Who – Do You Think Deserves To Win Best Actress & Actor At The Academy Awards?

BR: To be honest, I don’t really watch many movies but if I had to choose I would say anything with Margot Robbie … she’s on fire right now.

WW: The Academy for the best actor will absolutely have to go to Daniel Kaluuya in “Get Out”. Did you see that movie?? It had me shook to my core! He’s an amazing actor and I could watch him again and again. Best actress? Meryl Streep. Hands down.

3. What’s The Worst Valentine’s Day Gift You’ve Ever Received?

BR: A box Cheez-It.

WW: I had a boyfriend who thought it would be clever to fit himself into a big box and bow then serenade me windowside with a ukulele. He was tone deaf and I wasn’t impressed.

4. Why – Do You Think The Patriots Had The Best Chance Of Winning The Super Bowl…Again?

BR: I’ve never understood football and the only thing I look forward to on Super Bowl weekend is the free food and drinks at whoever is hosting the Super Bowl party.

WW: I don’t really care for TENNIS.

5. When – Do You Find Time To Get Your Workout On?

BR: I usually work out every morning because if I put it f for the afternoon the likeliness me showing up is slim to none … unless I know my publicist is going to show up, then I don’t miss an opportunity to make fun how ridiculous we both look during boot camp.

WW: Omg, such a sore subject. I go as ten as I can muster up the energy to go. So a whole once a week.


6. Who – are you going to see Black Panther with?

BR: I’ll wait until it comes out on Apple TV … movie theaters give me anxiety, plus I’ve got all the best snacks in my house for half the price what a movie theater charges!

WW: I might wait for it to come out online so I can watch it on Hulu or whatever. But then again I still haven’t gotten to see Star Wars.

7. What – did you make Lil Wayne’s AVN performances and presence?

BR: It reminded me that I’ve been out high school wayyyyy too long.

WW: It beat last year’s performance! I love Lil Tunechi! I got to go up on the stage and dance with the other performers and him. I only wish he would have stayed longer! He was there for like 15 minutes. ?

8. Where – do you stand in Instagram models/vixen supposedly making thousands with ad-based posts. Could this hurt the adult industry at all or is it completely separate?

BR: Make that money! There is plenty to go around …

WW: The growth and takeover Internet-based adult content has really changed the way adult performers and models earn income. There are very few talents that can depend solely on scenes from production companies to earn a good living. I think diversifying your revenue sources is necessary these days if you want to stay on top. I’m all for models and performers earning money however they can as long as they can do it ethically and legally. The adult industry is constantly evolving and adatping is important.

9. When – will the world see Team Apple is the way to go? Or are we really all not acknowledging the Android’s brilliance?

BR: Apple because I like everything to be all in one place and completely connected because I’m scatterbrained and I need my life to be less scattered.

WW: I’ve been Team Apple since I got my first smartphone. I love the iOS stware and can’t see myself straying anytime soon!

10. Why – is Game Thrones so addictive?

BR: I wouldn’t know, but I heard it’s got a lot sex and twisted plots like incest. In fact, I heard the show is obsessed with incest.

WW: You’ve got me on that one— I’ve never gotten into it but I’m obsessed with Orange Is The New Black! Those writers are geniuses!

Stay connected to both Brett Rossi and Whitney Wright below!

Brett Rossi:




Whitney Wright:

