Wendy William’s Husband Kevin Hunter Wants Her To Handle His Legal Fees

The nerve, the audacity.

The drama is still on and popping between Wendy Williams and canceled husband, Kevin Hunter. New reports by The Blast indicated that Williams’ estranged husband is looking for the show host to handle his legal fees. Precisely, documents obtained by the news outlet revealed that Hunter has agreed their marriage is over and there being no hope for patching things up.

Wendy William's Husband Kevin Hunter Wants Her To Handle His Legal Fees

Larry French/Getty s

He is now asking a court judge to order the television personality to cough up some cash to pay up his legal fees amidst their divorce case. This news comes shortly after Hunter also requested spousal and child support from Williams along with a split on the personal assets the two acquired during the marriage. 

Wendy William's Husband Kevin Hunter Wants Her To Handle His Legal Fees

Teresa Kroeger/Getty s

To note, Wendy Wiliams ficially filed for divorce from Kevin Hunter and we have since documented the ensuing events. The latter occured after 21 years marriage and partnership. The split occurred on an emotional, physical and pressional level, as Wendy Williams fired her ex-husband from his production role on her show, moved out their home and found herself a new manager. One with whom she has allegedly seen dining and chatting recently. Thus far, The Blast only reports that Wendy is “seeking for their marital property to be equitably divided and establish a child support amount.”