Warriors Part-Owner Mark Stevens Receives 1-Year Ban & $500K Fine

Stevens shoved Kyle Lowry during Game 3.

While the Toronto Raptors were victorious in Game 3 the NBA Finals last night against the Golden State Warriors, it didn’t come without some bizarre controversy. At one point in the game, Lowry fell into the crowd while chasing the ball and was eventually shoved by a fan. As it turns out, that fan was Warriors investor Mark Stevens. The Warriors announced that Stevens would be banned from the rest the NBA Finals although just moments ago, the NBA announced that they would be taking harsher measures against him.

The NBA and the Warriors have joined forces to ban Stevens for a full year and have also fined him $500K. As right now, it appears as though Stevens is still allowed to be a part-owner the club but he won’t be able to attend games and team activities.

After the incident last night, Lowry was vocal about his displeasure and was the first person to call for Stevens to be banned.

“The fans have a place; we love our fans,” Lowry told ESPN’s Scott Van Pelt. “But fans like that shouldn’t be allowed to be in there, because it’s not right. I can’t do nothing to protect myself. But the league does a good job, and hopefully they ban him from all NBA games forever.”