Warner Music Announces $100M Donation To Fight Social Injustice

After The Weeknd called on the majors to donate big and go public, Warner Music’s Len Blavatnik announced a $100M fund to support organizations across America fighting racial injustices.

Many major labels were facing criticism after staying quiet following the protests. Though several have issued statements, many have wondered what they are actually going to do, especially since they’ve been capitalizing on Black culture for so long. Even The Weeknd put out a challenge to Warner Music, Universal, Apple, Spotify and more to “go big and public” with their donation.

“To my fellow respected industry partners and execs- no one prits f black music more than the labels and streaming services,” he said. “I gave yesterday and I urge you to go big and public with yours this week. It would mean the world to me and the community if you can join us.” 

Following Blackout Tuesday, Variety reports Warner Music Group and the Family Foundation main owner Len Blavatnik will be donating a $100M fund towards fighting against injustices across America and within the music industry. The funds will also towards promoting diversity and equality. 

Warner Music Group’s CEO Steve Cooper made a statement detailing what the funds towards, though they haven’t clarified exact organizations yet.

“This fund will support the extraordinary, dedicated organizations that are on the front lines the fight against racism and injustice, and that help those in need across the music industry. Our advisory panel, which will draw from a diverse cross-section people from our team and the wider community, will help us be very thoughtful and accountable in how we make an impact. We’re determined to contribute, on a sustained long-term basis, to the effort to bring about real change.”