Ugly God Fan Threatening To Leak 100 Of His Loosies: "I’ll Take The L"

Ugly God accidentally e-mailed over 100 unreleased songs to a fan.

Aside from a single here and there, we really haven’t heard much from Ugly God in the last couple years. After piquing our interest with his comedic flair, he seemingly disappeared from the game. The rapper has teased a flurry projects, including his debut album Bumps & Bruises, for months now and we haven’t gotten any updates from him regarding their releases. We may be inching toward the album at a snail-like pace but Ugly God may have just low-key confirmed that B&B is finally complete. Unfortunately, that announcement came with some pretty bad news.

Ugly God Fan Threatening To Leak 100 Of His Loosies: "I'll Take The L"
Tim Mosenfelder/Getty s

According to the artist himself, one his fans is holding over a hundred his songs hostage. Unless Ugly God pays the fan an undisclosed sum money, each one the songs will allegedly find their way online. “So i put all my songs that didn’t make the album into a folder and put it in a dropbox link that i accidentally emailed to some fan and he’s wants me to pay him or he says he’ll leak them,” wrote Ugly on Twitter.

“I refuse to buy my own shit from some fan. so if 100+ songs leak, fuck it,” he added. Ugly God went on to explain how he got the fan’s email address in the first place, saying that they had sent him some beats, which he actually ended up using, but now the relationship turned sour. Hopefully, this means that the album is coming soon but even if we have to wait longer, it looks like some unauthorized Ugly God songs will be hitting the web.