Trump Compares Jussie Smollett’s Case To Impeachment Inquiry

Trump goes rogue during

Calls for Donald Trump’s impeachment have been going on since he got into fice but Congress is finally taking action. Trumpito has maintained his innocence, as he’s done since the beginning his candidacy when it comes to anything he’s accused doing wrong. He’s referred to the impeachment inquiry as the biggest attack on a sitting president and now, he’s attempting to distract the masses by dragging Jussie Smollett into the mess. 

Trump Compares Jussie Smollett's Case To Impeachment Inquiry
Scott Dudelson/Getty s 

Most us can probably agree that Smollett played himself but Trump feels like his impeachment is just as much a sham as the actor’s alleged attack. In front a Chicago audience, he blasted Smollett for the incident as well as bringing “MAGA country” into his allegations. “It’s a scam. It’s a real big scam, just like the impeachment your president is a scam,” he said to a room applauds. 

Smollett wasn’t the only person Trump decided to drag through the mud during his speech. Interestingly enough, he actually took aim the police chief Eddie Johnson.

“There is one person who is not here today. We’re in Chicago. I said, ‘Where is he? I want to talk to him,'” Trump said in reference to Johnson. “Here’s a man who could not bother to show up for a meeting police chiefs, the most respected people in the country, in his hometown and with the president the United States. And you know why? It’s because he’s not doing his job.”