Trump Calls Reporter "Loudmouth" During Heated Conference

If you draw Donald Trump’s ire, even during a press conference, he can and will take his damn ball and GTFO.

To say Donald Trump dislikes the media is, quite possibly, the understatement the decade. It’s entirely likely that he has lost hours sleep carving the names journalists onto his ever-growing shit-list, one that has surpassed Herman Melville’s Moby Dick in sheer scope. No matter what might be going on, the exchanges between media members and the President the United States remains unwaveringly contentious, with neither party looking to give an inch ground — even if it means derailing an entire conference to stage a squabble.

Trump Calls Reporter "Loudmouth" During Heated Conference

Zach Gibson – Pool/Getty s

It would seem as if Trump is back on his proverbial BS, as it were, taking a moment to put yet another reporter on blast in signature fashion. It all began when reporter Brian Karem began asking a question about social distancing, only to be interrupted by the frenzied POTUS. “The Governors are supposed to do testing,” responds Trump, cutting him f before the actual question could be finished.

Since Trump happened to answer a question that wasn’t actually being asked, Karem continued, only to really draw the President’s ire. Not only did Trump continuously hit him with demands to be quiet, but he warned that should he not obey, he would take his ball and go home. “I told them, when they put this guy here it’s nothing but trouble,” vents Trump. “He’s a showboat. If you keep talking I’m going to leave and you can have it out with them. Just a loudmouth.”