The Rock & Kevin Hart's Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle On Blu-ray & Digital HD: "Elephants & Death By Cake, It's As Funny As It Sounds" –

‘FINALLY! THE ROCK IS COMING…home.’ Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is now able to come home with you. The sequel to the 90’s classic exceeded all expectations bringing in a whopping $700 million worldwide.

The cast was phenomenal, bringing Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart and Jack Black. When you put together juggernauts this caliber together one two things usually happen, it’s overhyped and turns into a letdown or something truly special. I am inclined to believe this one was special. If you don’t believe me, here are 5 reasons why you should buy Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle on Blu-ray and Digital HD. Make sure to read each reason and enter to win your own copy!]

Reason 1: The Biggest Star On The Planet

I think you all know who I am talking about right here. The most electrifying man in the entertainment industry. Dwayne Johnson’s presence alone in this movie should be enough to get the needle moving. This guy is just a workaholic and doesn’t show any signs slowing down. Johnson’s role in this one as the self-conscious nerd who gets sucked into the video game is pretty hilarious. The Rock says, get out and cop this one quick.

Reason 2: Family Night

If you’re looking to have some family time together, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is the perfect movie for a night in together. There is humor for everyone in this movie. From Jack Black acting like the popular high school girl to Kevin Hart describing what it was like to get run over by a stampede Rhinos, it’s great for all ages. Make some popcorn and make it a dope family night in.

Reason 3: Hilarious Special Features

The special features for this one are different than any other Blu-ray and Digital HD I’ve seen. This is pretty much a staple how different this movie is. I mean, Jack Black created a music video with Nick Jonas, taking it back to his roots Tenacious D. If you don’t laugh I really don’t know what to tell you. Another thing to keep an eye on is Nigel’s Survival Tips. The avatar guide gives you the best tips to survive the game (jigsaw style). My favorite though was how the creators/actors Jumanji paid homage to the book, built f the original movie and then took the franchise to the next level bringing us into the game. After hearing how they came up with the idea for this sequel, it makes me happier to have experienced it in the theater. When you cop this movie, check out this special feature.

Reason 4: Double Up

I swear these two have the funniest relationship probably in all Hollywood. The banter back and forth between these two is hilarious on its own, but when you throw it in a movie like this, it is comedy gold. They’re already great together but mix in the jungle, elephants, and death by a cake, it is as funny as it sounds.

Reason 5: A Surprisingly Good Sequel

Let’s be honest, did this sequel need to be made? Probably not. It was already a great movie to leave in our childhood and share with our children when they were old enough. I will agree with this though, much like the board game in the movie, adapting to a more modern approach with a video game system works just as good. It was a really creative interpretation the 90’s film. If you didn’t give this one a look, give it a shot.

If it were not for my daughter wanting to see this one, I honestly would’ve passed. I couldn’t have been more wrong. One the more fun times at the movies I have spent with my family in a while. Now, I can bring that moment with my family home. Get out and cop this one, especially if you’re looking for an amazing night in with the family.