"Terminator: Dark Fate" Drops New Trailers Highlighting Main Characters

The most in-depth look at the main characters yet.

Earlier this week, Paramount Pictures dropped f a handful new trailers for the upcoming movie, Terminator: Dark Fate. The new trailers are called featurettes and each explores a different main character in the highly anticipated sequel. There are four total; Sarah Connor, Grace, T-800 and Rev-9 all get their own video.

Sarah Connor is described as “a warrior for humanity against the machines,” by her actress, Linda Hamilton. “This is a brave, kick-ass action hero. She’s not waiting to be hunted by a Terminator,” James Cameron adds.

Rev-9 is described as “the most effective killing machine in the franchise. So deadly because it can split into two different entities.”

Grace is an interesting character. “Is she good? Is she bad? She’s definitely not entirely human,” James Cameron says. 

T-800 gets the shortest video at only 37-seconds. Arnold’s featurette focuses on T-800’s free will. “He overcame his programing to take matters into his own hands,” says director, Tim Miller.

Terminator: Dark Fate is a direct sequel to Terminator 2: Judgment Day, which released in 1991. The new film will take place 27-years after Judgment Day. Terminator: Dark Fate is set to hit theaters a month from now on November 1st.