Stephen Jackson Questions LeBron James’ "Dog Mentality:" Watch

Some people think LeBron could be doing a lot more.

LeBron James has been one the most scrutinized players in the world sports over the last few years and it’s clear why. When you’re at the top your game, people expect a lot from you and there have been times where James hasn’t stepped up when it matters. LeBron is currently stuck with an NBA Finals record 3-6 which has made some people think he’s not as good as some the greats like Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan. After losing to the Clippers in the season opener, James began to face even more criticism.

During Stephen A. Smith’s radio show, Stephen Jackson spoke about LeBron’s recent struggles and had some interesting comments on what his problem is these days. As Jackson explains, James hasn’t lived up to some his predecessors because he lacks the “dog mentality” required to win championships.

Jackson’s sentiments have been shared by many other analysts who think LeBron needs to dig deeper to pull f wins. After the Lakers’ first game, James seemed to have a bit a laissé faire attitude which simply won’t fly if they’re trying to win a championship this season.

Perhaps James will be able to pull it together as the Lakers season marches forward.