Snickers Will Give Away 1M Chocolate Bars If The Date Of Halloween Is Changed

Snickers want Halloween to land on a Saturday.

Halloween arrives on the 31st every October every single year. It’s pretty inconvenient for kids and parents whenever the holiday lands on a weekday. Kids get f school, rush to go trick-or-treating, and parents are putting in work to make sure their kids get to bed on time and are ready for school the next day. However, the Halloween And Costumes Association are pressing to change the holiday. With the ficial backing Snickers, the Halloween and Costume Association is hoping the president the United States will change the date from the 31st to the last Saturday October.

Over 100K people are down to change the date Halloween, according to a petition that Halloween And Costumes Association launched. The petition demands that the government ficially changes the date Halloween, citing safety reasons and hopes that everyone will be able to celebrate the holiday without concerns waking up early. But, Snickers has also joined the campaign to change the date. In fact, they’re fering to give away 1M to Americans. 

“Snickers is all in on celebration Halloween to the fullest,” Josh Olken, Snickers’s brand director, stated in a press release, according to Thrillist. “If the federal government makes this thing ficial, we’re fering up to one million free Snickers to America. No tricks, only treats.”

Should Halloween be changed to the first Saturday October? Sound f in the comments.