ScHoolboy Q Roasts Top 50 Rappers Lists: "Y’all Sum F**king Weirdos"

ScHoolboy Q really gives no f*cks about a top 50 list.

If there’s one person you can expect to sh*t all over your top 50 list, it’s ScHoolboy Q. Although he’s a revered rapper in his own right, he’s not into the whole competitive spirit the rap game, mainly because he doesn’t care. Now, over the past few months, a few top 50 rappers lists have emerged. It’s a trend that’s inspired other types lists in hip-hop.

Q might not be on the list, and perhaps he doesn’t even want to be on one. The rapper’s been interacting with fans on Twitter when he took a break to clown anyone concerning themselves with a top 50 list. “Imagine Having a 48tH favorite rapper,” he wrote on Twitter. “Y’all sum fucking weirdo.” Needless to say, a few the hip-hop heads on Twitter got mad at Q but he only added more fuel to the fire. “Wats even better is tHe 36tH favorite rapper. Like u picked 37 and was like. Boom 36….. and arguing about sumbodies 23rd … n***aHz ain’t got no bitcHes braH,” he added.

Of course, it didn’t take long for someone to tell ScHoolboy Q that he’s not even worthy making a top 50 list, nor a top 500 list. Q suggested that that person “ain’t got no bitcHes.” Interestingly enough, the person who told Q he wasn’t in the top 50 list is an aspiring rapper… and he definitely won’t ever make a top 50 list.