Salt-N-Pepa Respond To DJ Spinderella's Claims Of Being "Wrongfully Excluded" From Biopic

Cindy Ord/Getty Images

The duo are finally responding to former DJ Spinderella’s complaints about being excluded from the new Salt-N-Pepa biopic.

At the tail-end of last month, former Salt-N-Pepa DJ Spinderella took to Twitter to air out her grievances about being purposely left out of the creative process for the group’s Lifetime biopic, which aired on the network on January 23rd. The 50-year-old expressed her disappointment in the special and Cheryl “Salt” James and Sandra “Pepa” Denton for excluding her from the biopic. 

Christopher Polk/Getty Images for MTV

“Words cannot fully express my disappointment when I learned a decision was made to move forward with a Lifetime biopic that wrongfully excluded me from every aspect of development and production,” she penned in one tweet. “… all the while using my image throughout, given that I played an integral role in the group’s story and success. There’s nothing more unacceptable than a woman being silenced by another woman.”

James and Denton appeared on Wednesday’s (February 3) episode of The Real to respond to Spinderella’s complaints, with “Salt” explaining she did reach out to Spinderella before the movie was released, continuing, “….I feel like this is very unfortunate; We’ve come to a crossroads where we have decided to agree to disagree. I definitely am open and Pepa’s open. We’ve talked about it and our hearts are open, have always been open to Spinderella.” 

“As far as the public is concerned, I’m really happy about the people who know that they don’t know everything. There’s six sides to every story,” she added. “We just hope that we can come to some sort of resolution in the future. You never know. You never know what God is doing.”

Denton pointed out that they actually did reach out to Spinderella regarding a specific portion of the biopic. “I just wanted to add to that, there is a part that when Spinderella did say we excluded her. That part, Salt and I did reach out to consult with the movie,” Denton said, explaining the movie’s intent was to focus on “the friendship of Sandy and Cheryl back in college.”

Denton stated that “yes, Spinderella joined us, a part of it. We will always acknowledge her contribution that she’s done with us. She will always be our sister,” Denton continued. “We love her, but we have always made sure that she had the opportunity and the platform. We always encourage her to be Spinderella and be supportive of her, so that is important.”

Spinderella has yet to respond. 
