Rob Gronkowski Flexes Some Questionable Dance Moves: Watch

Gronk is spending his retirement the only way he knows how.

Rob Gronkowski was considered to be one the most vibrant personalities in all football during his playing days and now that he’s retired, nothing has really changed. When Gronk hung up his cleats this past summer, we all knew he would be able to keep himself in the public eye somehow and his partying ways are certainly a great start. Gronk has already committed himself to work on TV and some business endeavors but when it comes to his personal life, the party never stops.

According to footage obtained by TMZ, Gronk was recently in Dallas to see his brothers for what is assumed to be Thanksgiving festivities. While out at a bar, Gronk can be seen dominating the dance floors as he pulls f various questionable moves with his brother surrounding him. The clip is exactly what we expect from Gronk and truthfully, it’s one the reasons why fans love him.

Gronk truly seems as happy as ever here so we can’t really give him too much hell for the dance moves, as wild as they may have been. In fact, you have to give him quite a bit credit for having the courage to go and do something like that.

As Gronk does deeper into retirement, we can imagine his antics will only begin to increase, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing in the slightest.