Obama Reportedly Concerned Joe Biden Might "Embarrass Himself" On Campaign Trail

Obama is trying to prevent the former VP from fumbling the bag.

Obama and Joe Biden were the dynamic duo when they were in fice. Although controversial at times, their bromance will never be forgotten in the eyes American politics and pop culture. But that may have been the reason why Biden took a shot at becoming the president. There’s a lot people who’ve been riding for him but at the same time, Biden has been subject to a ton controversy. So it only makes sense that Obama tried to steer Biden away from entering the 2020 Presidential race.

According to a report from the New York Times, Obama had some behind-the-scenes chats with Biden’s advisors in hopes to prevent anything bad from happening on the campaign trail. Ahead Biden’s announcement, Obama seemed to cast his doubts on Biden’s decision. “You don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t,” Obama reportedly told Biden. But Obama seemingly gave the advice to also protect himself in the long run.

In March, Mr. Obama took the unusual step summoning Mr. Biden’s top campaign advisers, including the former White House communications director Anita Dunn and Mr. Biden’s longtime spokeswoman, Kate Bedingfield, to his Washington fice for a briefing on the campaign’s digital and communications strategy with members his own staff, including his senior adviser, Eric Schultz.

When they were done, Mr. Obama fered a pointed reminder, according to two people with knowledge his comments:

Win or lose, they needed to make sure Mr. Biden did not “embarrass himself” or “damage his legacy” during the campaign.

Obama’s been relatively quiet on the campaign trail so far. Biden might have a shot at beating Trump but there’s still ways to go.