Michael Vick Comments On Lamar Jackson Breaking His Record: Watch

“Don’t break all my records.”

Lamar Jackson has been having a season for the ages and fans are finally starting to take notice. Last year, there were a whole bunch questions surrounding his passing ability and whether or not he could actually play well in the NFL. This season, Jackson has completely decimated those criticisms and has become a frontrunner the MVP award. There isn’t a single quarterback playing as exciting as he has which is truly saying something when you consider all the talent throughout the league.

Last night, Jackson surpassed Michael Vick for the single-season record most rushing yards by a QB. It’s a record that not many pundits thought could be broken but Jackson did a phenomenal job as he methodically broke it down with ease. After the accomplishment, Vick himself issued a congratulatory message to Jackson.

Per Vick:

“Congratulations on breaking the record. I know all records are made to be broken, but I didn’t know that it would happen in less than twelve years. You are a blessed individual, you are a great player and I wish nothing but the best for you. And, keep chasing all those records, keep chasing the record books and great things are ahead for you and I’m looking forward to following your career. It’s going to be a stellar one. Just keep your head down, keep working and don’t break all my records!”

With Jackson churning out stats at such an insane pace, it will be interesting to see what record he is able to break next.