Marlins Blame Rays For Killing Steve Irwin, Immediately Apologize

The social media person was on one today.

Sometimes sports teams like to get a little overzealous on social media as they try to seem relatable to the general public. Instead tweeting with the voice the team, the person controlling the account tweets in their own voice which at times, tends to work quite well but in other instances, it comes across as pretty cringey. Well, over the weekend, the Miami Marlins committed the worst sin all as they got into a public spat with the Tampa Bay Rays. The Rays had just swept the Marlins and they were quick to remind them on Twitter. That’s when the Marlins clapped back and said: “YOU’RE LITERALLY THE ANIMAL THAT KILLED STEVE IRWIN LOG OFF.”

If you may remember, the Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin was killed by a stingray back in 2006. Irwin was a beloved figure on television and people are still sad about his death to this day. Having said that, fans weren’t too impressed with the Marlins tweet and they quickly issued an apology.

“This was a regrettable exchange by our otherwise creative social media team. Unfortunately, in this medium, sometimes we swing and miss, and this was definitely a miss,” a Marlins spokesperson said. “The matter has been addressed internally.”

The team also apologized on Twitter but didn’t delete the original tweet, instead, they simply replied to it. There is no doubt that one unlucky social media person is in trouble today.