Man Who Donated $2.5Mil To Group Proving Trump Election Fraud Wants Money Back

Spencer Platt / Staff / Getty Images

Fred Eshelman gave to a conservative Texas group & when they abandoned their efforts, he wanted his donation returned. Should he get it?

As many pro-Trump supporters slowly come to terms with the fact that Joe Biden is president of the United States, some conspiracy theorists are still awaiting a mysterious date in March when they are convinced Donald Trump will be made the 19th president of America. As they count down to their big day, a man named Fred Eshelman is having regrets. He’d previously donated $2.5 million to a Texas-based group called True the Vote, described by CNN as a “conservative nonprofit” that was determined to uncover voter fraud in the November 2020 election.

Donald Trump, Fred Eshelman, True The Vote, Voter Fraud, Stop The Steal, Election Fraud
Spencer Platt / Staff / Getty Images

The world witnessed as Donald Trump led efforts to alter the results of the election as he repeatedly came forward with accusations of voter fraud. He demanded recounts in certain counties and later, phone conversations Trump had with politicians were leaked when Trump urged them to find a certain amount of votes. Eshelman supported the former president’s “Stop The Steal” efforts, but now, he wants his money back.

The Washington Post first reported on Eshelman’s case and stated that True the Vote was able to issue lawsuits and other efforts to help Trump regain his office, but ultimately, there wasn’t ever any real movement and President Biden took office. True the Vote dwindled away, lawsuits were plainly abandoned, and people moved on, but after the organization told Eshelman that they could only return $1 million of his donation, he sued them.

Donald Trump, Election Fraud, Donation, True the Vote, Fred Eshelman
Rey Del Rio / Stringer / Getty Images

True the Vote’s attorneys claim that when Eshelman dropped off his hefty donation, there weren’t any specifics put in place to determine how it was spent. At the time of this publication, Eshelman hasn’t had any of his money returned and shared with the Post that he still believes there was some misconduct associated with the presidential election.

Do you think he should get his money back or is he out of luck?
