Lil Durk shares some advice for people who snitch on themselves when posting on social media.
In an era where a famous rapper has shamelessly taken the stands as a criminal informant, the last thing that anyone, in Hip-Hop and in life period, needs to do, is snitch on themselves. This year, Pooh Shiesty was arrested after feds extracted evidence from his Instagram, and one of the most tragic deaths in Hip-Hop in recent memory happened all because a rising rapper posted his Airbnb address online.
Last month, 2021 XXL Freshman 42 Dugg was so amazed by one of his associates’ inadvertent self-snitching that he shared his own set of social media codes. Now, Lil Durk has also commented on this recurring issue by taking to Twitter to offer his own take on social media and internet etiquette.
“Stop letting the internet trick you into telling on yourself,” Lil Durk warns his followers in one of his recent tweets, before offering up a timeless piece of advice. “…move in silence.”
It’s not clear who inspired the Voice of the Heroes rapper to share this tidbit of knowledge, but hopefully, Durk’s words reach whoever needs to hear them so that they don’t end up putting themselves behind bars.
Does Lil Durk have a point here? Does social media really trick people into incriminating themselves or is are their missteps simply due to their own lack of judgment?