LeBron James Exposed By His Wife For Failure To Climb Pool Float

LeBron is struggling without the NBA Finals.

After eight straight years making it to the NBA Finals, LeBron James found himself on a dysfunctional Los Angeles Lakers squad that couldn’t even make it to the playfs. Now that LeBron is in vacation mode, he has been hanging out with some his best buddies in the NBA, while enjoying some much-needed Taco Tuesdays with the fam. Vacation isn’t always as elegant as it sounds though and LeBron understands this better than anyone as he was exposed by his own wife for not being able to climb a pool float all things.

It appears as though LeBron and the fam are on vacation at some sort resort which led to some family time in the pool. Bronny was simply minding his own business in the float when all a sudden, LeBron came over and capsized him while laughing hysterically. James then went on to take a bigger L than being swept in the finals when he couldn’t even make it onto the float.

The Lakers superstar seemed to take it all in stride except the embarrassment your own wife laughing at you will probably sting for a while. At least LeBron is having fun and that’s all that matters. Being able to spend time with family at this time year is something he hasn’t been able to do in a long time so it must be a welcomed change, even if it means he won’t win a title this year.