Kawhi Leonard Lookalike Fools Raptors Fans At Championship Parade

Raptors fans should know better.

The Toronto Raptors won their first ever NBA Championship last week after defeating the Golden State Warriors in a six-game series. The MVP the series was Kawhi Leonard who in his first year with the Raptors, became one the best players to ever dawn their jersey. Today, the Raptors are taking to the streets Toronto for their championship parade which will see almost all Toronto come out to show affection to the team that captured the imaginations an entire country.

While this should be a time to celebrate, it’s also a great time to be played for a fool. If you’re wondering how so, well, let me tell you. A man who vaguely resembles Kawhi has been roaming the streets Toronto pretending to be the NBA Finals MVP. He has been taking selfies with fans and signing autographs which just proves that some people have no clue when it comes to recognizing basketball players.

The real Leonard would never just walk the streets like this willy nilly so that should have been the first clue that this man is a fraud. He probably enjoyed all the attention he got while the real Leonard was on the championship float with his teammates.

If Leonard leaves the city, it will be interesting to see if this doppelganger follows him wherever he goes.