Juul To Halt All United States Advertising Days After CEO Steps Down

Juul’s slowing going down.

The Juul epidemic that has left some users the e-cigarette with collapsed lungs has now forced the San Francisco based company to halt all American advertising, BuzzFeed reports. After severe criticism, the company will no longer advertise its products broadcast, print, and digital platforms. 

Juul To Halt All United States Advertising Days After CEO Steps Down
Mark Wilson/Getty s

The move comes just days after CEO Kevin Burns stepped down from his leading position and was replaced by K.C. Crosthwaite. Juul has also agreed to oblige to any new government standards since the Trump administration proposed a ban on e-cigarettes.  

“I have long believed in a future where adult smokers overwhelmingly choose alternative products like JUUL,” new CEO Crothwaite stated. “Unfortunately, today that future is at risk due to unacceptable levels youth usage and eroding public confidence in our industry. Against that backdrop, we must strive to work with regulators, policymakers and other stakeholders, and earn the trust the societies in which we operate. That includes inviting an open dialogue, listening to others and being responsive to their concerns.”

The rise in e-cigarette health has also forced the company to drop its “Make the Switch” campaign since the Juul is clearly not much an healthy alternative.