Jussie Smollett’s brother said the actor is being held in a psych ward at the Cook County Jail.
Jussie Smollett is allegedly being held in the psych ward after being sentenced to five months in prison for staging a hate crime against himself. The Empire actor’s brother, Jocqui Smollett, shared an update on Jussie’s Instagram profile, calling it an “outrage” and also claiming that there are notes on his paperwork that he is “at-risk” of self-harm, despite yelling countless times during his sentencing trial that he will not hurt himself behind bars.
“So Jussie is currently in a psych ward at the Cook County Jail,” said Jocqui in the video. “What’s very concerning is that there was a note attached to his paperwork today and put on the front of his jail cell saying that he’s at risk of self-harm. I wanna just make it clear to folks he is in no way, shape, or form at risk of self-harm. He wants to let folks know that he is very stable, he is very strong, he is very healthy, and ready to take on the challenge that has ultimately been put up against him.”

Brian Cassella-Pool/Getty Images
The actor’s brother went on to call this “an outrage” before noting that there has been no explanation given to the family as to why Jussie is in a psych ward. He also said that he wants Jussie’s fans to be aware of misinformation in the media as he does his time, calling on them to check the facts and be wary of what they read online.
Check out the video below and let us know what you think about Jussie being sent to the psych ward in the comments.