Jimmy Butler Jokingly Roasts Tyler Herro After Michael Carter-Williams Exchange

Herro is already playing with some flash.

Despite losing Dwyane Wade to retirement, Miami Heat fans should have a lot to cheer for this year. For starters, they were able to acquire Jimmy Butler through free agency in the fseason and in the first round the draft, they picked up Tyler Herro. For those who don’t know, Herro is a feisty fensive player who can pretty well shoot from anywhere. He’s a great trash talker who isn’t afraid to get in people’s faces and just like Butler, he has completely embraced the Miami lifestyle. With Butler and Herro in tow, the Heat are going to be incredibly fun to watch.

This was on full display Thursday night as the Heat took on the Orlando Magic in preseason action. In the second half, Herro began to get into it with Michael Carter-Williams and even seemed to be getting the best him. Herro was able to make a quick little three-pointer and continued to exchange words with MCW as they went up the court.

After the game, Butler was asked about Herro’s antics and, course, he decided to roast the young rookie for his play. Essentially, Butler jokes that he would have had Herro removed from the game immediately.

“If I were the ref I would have tossed his little ass,” Butler said before fering some compliments for his teammate.

As the regular season begins, we can’t wait to see what else Herro has in store.