Jeremy O. Harris Defends Rihanna’s Texting During "Slave Play" Broadway Show

He’s not here for the Rihanna shaming.

Jeremy O. Harris, the writer for the Broadway show Slave Play has responded to backlash against Rihanna for her actions made at the preview his show. As the story goes, Rihanna not only arrived late at the event (forcing Jeremy to push back the start time) but was also seen texting during the show. Considering that Rihanna inspired certain aspects the play, Jeremy made it clear that he has no regret towards the “Work” singer’s actions.

Jeremy O. Harris Defends Rihanna's Texting During "Slave Play" Broadway Show
Mark Ganzon/Getty s

“Two things I learned today about the Type theatre maker I am: When my idol texts that she’s running late. I hold the curtain for her. When my idol texts me during a play I’ve written, I respond,” he shared on Twitter. 

Directly responding to a user who wasn’t pleased with Rihanna getting special privilege, Jeremy wrote: “To dead this weird discourse that has popped up… The patron saint the play I wrote is literally a pop star, fashion icon, and Demi-goddess named Rihanna. Her words are all over it. She’s a 9th character in the play. When Dionysus is coming you hold the curtain,” Jeremy added. 

At the end the day, Rihanna and Jeremy are over it and everyone else should be too.