Jay-Z’s 40/40 Club Adds 24/7 Security After Failed Break-In: Report

The staff at 40/40 Club in New York City believe that they were targetted in an attempted break-in.

Jay-Z’s 40/40 Nightclub in New York City faced some damage on their storefront this weekend in what staff believes was an attempted break-in, TMZ reports. The club’s staff called the police to report that their front door was marked up from what seems to be like someone trying to break through the door. The photos obtained by the tabloid publication showed the door have marks around the door but the police said that the door was repaired since the incident took place. The club has been under 24/7 since the incident on Friday. 

Jay-Z's 40/40 Club Adds 24/7 Security After Failed Break-In: Report
Theo Wargo/Getty s 

The strange thing about the whole situation is that the police haven’t found any clear cut video evidence from the surveillance footage. The police are still investigating the situation but they’re trying to figure out whether it was an actual break-in or not. Regardless the security cameras, the staff still stands by their belief that it was a break-in. 

However, the surveillance cameras showed two guys hanging out in front the building on Friday afternoon and one them approaches the door, the staff said. But the alarm didn’t go f and there’s nothing that suggests either one the men was trying to break in. The two men were also spotted around the club throughout the week with suspicious cars riding around at the same time. The staff feels like they could’ve have been staking the place out. The men aren’t being considered suspects at this point based on the fact that there isn’t enough evidence suggesting the two men were behind the attempted break-in.