"Game Of Thrones" Author George R.R. Martin Outlined "Incest Plans" For Arya Stark

Beware: this post might contain spoilers.

 It has come to light that Game Thrones’ original author George R.R. Martin outlined a very incestuous character arc for “Arya Stark.” As you likely know if you follow the series, the virginal “Arya” portrayed by Maisie Williams performed her very first sex scene this season, after the character had finally come age, by non-fantasy standards.

The motion to sexualize the Arya Stark character piqued the interest fans and critiques alike. And so, several search parties were established, tasked with digging through George R.R. Martin old manuscripts. The results were as positive, in the sense that Martin’s outline for the “Stark” mirrored the approach taken by the showrunners. See for yourself.

“Arya will be more forgiving…until she realizes, with terror, that she has fallen in love with Jon Snow], who is not only her half-brother but a man the Night’s Watch, sworn to celibacy,” reads an excerpt from Martin’s stack Hilroys. The author dredged on from that point…


“Their passion will continue to torment Jon and Arya throughout the trilogy until the secret Jon’s true parentage is finally revealed in the last book,” George R.R. Martin elaborates, eluding to the fact that yep, Jon Snow and Arya Stark do the hanky panky on shaky grounds. Let’s be clear on one thing, Snow and Stark are only half-siblings in the rough outline he whipped up before penning the books. In the HBO series, the two characters were re-conceived as cousins, explained by the “paternal presence” a one Ned Stark.