Elon Musk Says Oscars Diversity Is “Messed Up,” But He Called It “Woke” Last Year

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Source: WWD / Getty

In today’s episode of Just Checking To See If Elon Musk Is Still Racist…Yep, He’s Still Racist, the South African migrant who spent President Donald Trump’s first day in office turning the Nazi salute into a MAGA trend has, for the second year in a row, decried diversity at the Oscars.

On Sunday, Musk reposted a tweet from a fellow white-and-eternally-whiny fanboy who was being fragile over the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences’ diversity policy regarding Best Picture nominees.

“This is messed up,” Musk captioned his post. “Should just be who is best, not best with an asterisk!”

Oh nah, Musky, that asterisk has always been there.

You see, Musk, like millions of white people across the Western world, believes the reason white actors and filmmakers have always dominated the Oscars is due to merit, ignoring the fact that white people have always dominated the academy because no racial demographic has ever been more catered to than white people.

It’s the same false logic they use when claiming DEI is racist against white people while ignoring the fact that diversity initiatives were only ever necessary in the first place because, for the overwhelming majority of America’s history, white men were hiring white men and only white men in every single major industry. That’s not “merit,” it’s the lasting effect of patriarchy and white supremacy.

Similarly, Musky Musk and his Nazi Bunch are pretending to believe an academy full of white people who view art through a culturally white lens are likely to always find the right nominees for Best Picture as opposed to the nominees white people are most likely to believe are the best nominees for Best Picture. White people who relate more closely to white people consistently selecting predominately white films for Best Picture is not an example of “merit.”

Art is subjective. White privilege is a demonstrable fact.

Mind you, just under a year ago, Musk was on X calling the Oscars a “woke contest” because he thought too many non-white people were winning. When it was pointed out to him that white actors and directors dominated all the major awards, which they have almost every single year since the inception of the Academy, he immediately backpedaled and admitted that he was “wrong.”

That’s right, folks, Musk was educated on the fact that the Best Picture, Best Actor/Actress and Best Director categories, among others, were overwhelmingly dominated by white people in 2024, and the Woke Boogieman that haunts his nightmares retreated back under his bed and allowed him to rest at ease. All was right in his white world once again.

So, you know, maybe Musk and his fellow fragile, diversity-hating white men are just plain bigots, and the “woke” Oscars is just another excuse for them to let their bigotry shine.
