Eli Manning Prepared For Giants To Draft Their QB Of The Future

Eli is 38 years old and could retire sooner than later.

Despite having two Super Bowl championships under his belt, there is no denying that Eli Manning is approaching washed status. It may be blasphemous to say but over the past few years, the Giants have regressed as a franchise and Eli has been struggling to string together multiple wins in a row. Without Odell Beckham Jr., the Giants are going to be in for another tough season and some fans are already looking towards the next generation Giants players. According to this latest report from ESPN, Manning is looking towards the future as well, saying he figures the Giants will draft a quarterback in this year’s draft.

“Yeah, I figure the Giants are going to get a young quarterback. So I understand that,” Manning said. “I still have to do my job, and I’ll do my part. And my job as I see it is to go out there and play quarterback and win football games. That is what I’ll do.”

Head coach Pat Shurmur and general manager Dave Gettleman made it clear to Manning that he will be their starter next season. 2019 will be Eli’s final season under contract with the Giants but there doesn’t seem to be a rush to sign the aging QB.

Eli Manning Prepared For Giants To Draft Their QB Of The Future

Jim McIsaac/Getty s

“I don’t feel the need to talk to him about his contract,” Shurmur said. “Eli does a great job staying in the moment. He was here today and we got going. He is excited to get into this, the second year our system and build on what we did the last half the season. Eli is really terrific at staying in the moment. Right now, it is fseason training. Just trying to get comfortable with his receivers and try and master his decisions. I think that is where he is at. I don’t feel the need to talk about that with him.”

If you’re a Giants fan out there, what do you want the team to do with Eli? Is it time for a new quarterback?