#DXCLUSIVE: Lana Shea, J57 & Benefit Fight The Patriarchy On "Us Too" Remix

HipHopDX – Singer-songwriter and ten rapper Lana Shea has recruited longtime producer J57 and Benefit for a remix “Us Too.”

The original version the single comes from Lana’s most recent album, Duality, which dropped last July.

The introspective song dives into Lana’s experiences with toxic masculinity and sexual assault, two things women have to deal with far too ten throughout their lives.

“This track came from a very deep place,” Lana explains to HipHopDX. “I wrote about sexual assault, the #MeToo movement and all our abilities to hold shit back until it’s time to let go. The original song was produced by Amp Live. When J57 picked this track to do a remix for it, it gave me life and gave new life to the song.

“Hip Hop has a misogyny problem, just like the world has a patriarchy problem, and I can’t help but speak through it even while feeling it’s not necessarily my place to speak on it. Having the support these Hip Hop veterans reminds me that our future is most definitely gonna be brighter than our pasts.”

J57 is not only her collaborator but a fan Lana’s music.

“Lana is one the most talented musicians I’ve had the privilege working with recently and she’s a close friend Jamo Gang,” J57 adds. She’s featured on my latest Voltaire EP and she’s on one my solo albums dropping next year as well.

“When she reached out about me remixing one her songs from Duality, I immediately jumped at the opportunity. I approached this remix a little different from my normal way doing things. I utilized a sample/composition that I created with the extremely talented Benefit for majority the soundscape.”

Listen to the “Us Too” remix above.