Dwyane Wade Walks Back Comeback Comments After Fans Get Hopes Up

Wade had fans in a tizzy this weekend.

Dwyane Wade was given one the most epic farewell tours in NBA history after giving everything he had to the Miami Heat organization for two decades. He was able to help the team win three championships during his tenure and fans are sad to see him go. While this may be the case, he appeared to give them some hope after some comments he made in an article by Arash Markazi the Los Angeles Times. In the piece, Wade claims that he hopes to stay in shape and is keeping all his options open.

“I’m done, but my trainer is going to keep me in shape just in case something happens,” Wade explained. “I’m going to stay in shape because you never know. Never say never.”

Of course, fans took this as him saying he wants to come back. Wade caught wind all these rumors and took to Twitter where he dispelled all the myths, alongside his daughter, Kaa.

“Kaa heard these rumors about me coming back. As you can tell she ain’t playing those games,” Wade joked. “Stop getting me in trouble people. I’m retired asf! I love the game and you will still see me working out & teaching it but that’s to stay in shape.”

At this point, it seems as though Wade is content with focusing on being a father and a husband. While a return to the NBA would be nice, it’s probably best for him to take the time f. After all, he’s earned it.