Reports circulated that Drizzy has been messaging Kim since finding out about the divorce, but the rapper shut that down.
As if the relationship between Drake and Kanye West isn’t awkward enough, reports surfaced on Thursday (March 18) detailing the Scary Hours 2 rapper’s alleged desire to be with Kim Kardashian. We’ve previously reported on Kanye and Kim recently deciding to divorce, and following the announcement, there have been an overwhelming amount of reports from “sources” who claim to know intimate details of the couple’s life. Along for the ride comes the news that Drizzy can’t wait to hook up with Kim once it’s over. He’s denying that’s the case.

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According to Gossip of the City, they DM’d Drake to find out the truth behind the rumors. “Fake news ? I figured I’d ask this time,” GOTC wrote to the rapper. He responded, “Obviously [crying laughing emoji].” The Mirror reports that a website called Heat first made the report regarding Drake’s alleged passions for Kim, saying that he immediately messaged her once he found out the news. Apparently, that just isn’t so.
Meanwhile, Kris Jenner recently spoke out about her daughter’s divorce for the first time, stating that both Kim and Kanye want what’s best for their children. Check out Drake‘s DM below.