Donald Trump Orders FBI To Review Jussie Smollett Case

He might not be getting f so easy after all.

With all the hubbub surrounding Jussie Smollett and his allegedly staged attack, it was surprising to hear that he had gotten f scot-free this week. After being charged with sixteen counts filing a false police report, Smollett’s criminal case was dropped entirely by the Chicago Police Department, leading many to voice their frustrations online. For the majority those commenting on the case, it was apparent that Jussie had staged his own hate crime but with the expulsion his charges from a criminal court, Chicago PD was basically implying that he did nothing illegal. Donald Trump appears to believe that Smollett was in the wrong, agreeing with many others in America, and calling for the FBI and DOJ to re-intervene.

Donald Trump Orders FBI To Review Jussie Smollett Case
Paul Zimmerman/Getty s

In a tweet published today, Trump commented on the hectic happenings in Smollett’s case, noting that he has told the Federal Bureau Investigation and the Department Justice to re-open the search. “It is an embarrassment to our Nation,” said the President the United States after stating that he has called on both parties to review the findings. 

Jussie Smollett has been a hot topic for several months, making waves in both the entertainment and political worlds. After his associates reportedly asked Kim Foxx to defend the Empire star, people started to believe that because his close relations to people in power, Smollett had an easier time getting f without serving any time behind bars. Do you think things will go differently after the review?