Diddy Reacts To Cassie Getting Knocked Up By New Guy

After her long on-again-f-again relationship with Diddy ended, Cassie shacked up with Alex Fine, a personal trainer/bull rider.

There was some initial bitterness from Puff, who had been paying Fine to train Cassie.

But it's all good now.

Yesterday, Fine announced he and Cassie are pregnant. 

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Letter to Cassie I promise you that I will do every single thing in my power to support you and help you. I promise that you will never be alone. I promise that you will be loved beyond expectation and we will show our children how to be in a healthy relationship. I promise to always come home with a great attitude and give our children and you undivided attention. I promise to always keep you and the child first nothing comes before you. I promise you will be showered in kisses and hugs every single day. I promise that I will be the best father/baby daddy You two are my greatest loves I have and will ever have. I cannot wait for the rest our lives together and to raise a beautiful happy child in our beautiful happy life. ❤️ ? @mikemillerphoto

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Diddy's reaction was all class.

Posted In: News Puff Daddy