Derrick Jaxn's Wife Defends Her Appearance In Her Husband's Viral IG Confession

Paras Griffin/Getty Images

You see a bonnet, but Derrick Jaxn’s wife Da’Naia Jackson sees the helmet of salvation.

Even after Derrick Jaxn’s cringy Instagram confessional went viral earlier this week, the story about the relationship expert’s cheating scandal continues to develop. While several people focused on Derrick Jaxn’s antics throughout the confessional video, which was awkwardly titled “Did I Cheat In My Marriage? #TheTruth,” countless other social media users were focused entirely on his wife Da’Naia Jackson. Many people commented on the fact that she was wearing a bonnet, while others joked about how uncomfortable she appeared throughout the video’s nearly eight-minute runtime. Now, rather than letting the jokes run rampant or the rumor mill start churning about any perceived abuse in their relationship, Da’Naia Jackson has stepped forward with a few videos of her own.

In her first Instagram post touching on the cheating scandal involving her husband, Da’Naia answers a serious concern that many social media users have been hinting at since Derrick released his cringy confessional. In regards to the rumor that Derrick has been allegedly beating her and forcing her to publicly support him amidst the drama, Da’Naia quells all allegations of abuse and reassures her followers that she and Derrick are in the process of healing.

Da’Naia’s most recent Instagram video, however, handles a much more light-hearted matter — her appearance in Derrick’s viral Instagram video. Dressed in camo and a thick black bonnet, Jaxn’s wife reveals that she’s battle-ready and prepared to go to war to save her marriage with Derrick. Simply captioned, “Let’s talk Bonnet,” Da’Naia’s latest post does just that, as she offers religious clap backs at social media users who were critical of her casual, bonnet-sporting look in Jaxn’s original video.

“You see a bonnet. I see the helmet of salvation,” Da’Naia proclaims around the two-minute mark of the video. “You see an army green shirt. I see the breastplate of righteousness…I’ve come to the battleground, covered in the blood of Jesus, to proclaim victory over sin.”

Judging by her recent Instagram posts, Da’Naia Jackson is confident in her pursuit to maintain her relationship with Derrick Jaxn, even despite his recent antics and embarassing videos. 

Do you think that she should leave Derrick or is that none of our business?