Dak Prescott & Ezekiel Elliott Appear To Break Quarantine Together

Dak Prescott and Ezekiel Elliott didn’t get the memo on social distancing.

Ezekiel Elliott and Dak Prescott are one the best dynamic running back/quarterback duos in the entire NFL. As members the Dallas Cowboys, they are constantly in the public eye, even if they aren’t trying to be. With this attention comes a lot scrutiny over their every move. Recently, Elliott and Prescott got some flack for their festivities this past Friday night.

Prescott was celebrating his friend’s birthday at his home in Texas and invited Elliott over to partake in the food and good times. According to TMZ, close to 30 people were at the event which goes directly against the governor’s orders to maintain gatherings only 10 people, while staying six-feet apart. In the video below, it is quite clear that no one at the party was respecting the Coronavirus-inspired social distancing suggestions.

The quarantine rules have been seen as unnecessary by some although it is important to remember that while younger people may not be as at risk to die from COVID-19, they could still infect someone who is. This should be reason enough to respect the guidelines that have been imposed by health experts.

Regardless, we’re sure Prescott and Elliott didn’t mean anything bad by it and that it was simply a case misjudging the situation at hand. Whether you’re at risk or not, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
