Chris Pratt Says "They’re Bringing Everybody Back" For "Jurassic World 3"

Chris Pratt claims that “everybody” in the “Jurassic World” cast will be reprising their roles for the next instalment the franchise.

Chris Pratt shared what he could about the upcoming third instalment the Jurassic World films, which included an exciting detail about the cast. It was announced back in 2018 that the temporarily titled Jurassic World 3 was slated for a June 11th, 2021 theatrical release, but little is known beyond this in way  specifics. The present-day star the Jurassic Park franchise, Chris Pratt, recently spoke to Variety about the next Jurassic World film, and ensured fans that “they’re bringing everybody back” for more dinosaur mayhem.

After the Variety interviewer asked Pratt to speak on his character Owen Grady’s headspace in the upcoming film, Chris admitted that he couldn’t share much. “Man, I can’t tell you anything,” Pratt said. However, he did amp up the hype for Jurassic fans. “I can tell you it’s going to blow your mind. It’s going to be the biggest and best yet.” Then, he dropped a minor bomb about just who will be gracing our screens in 2021. “They spared no expense and they’re bringing everybody back.”

Chris Pratt Says "They're Bringing Everybody Back" For "Jurassic World 3"Rich Fury/Getty s for Universal Studios Hollywood

While it was already announced that some the franchise’s original faces, Sam Neil and Laura Dern, would be reprising their roles from the first Jurassic Park film, it looks like even more OGs and Jurassic World fan favourites could be returning. Which familiar faced would you be psyched to see in Jurassic World 3?