Chief Moquiuix Shares An Elusive LP Mass Psychosis 

Extraordinary artist Chief Moquiuix presents another collection of his songs under the title Mass Psychosis. Detailing the state of life in our era, the album leverages the power of melodies and beats to make the sharp and witty lyrics all the more impactful. Some of the stand out tracks in the collection are “Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt,” “Irrational,” and “Don Ruffo’s Run”.

“The wealthy have become wealthier since the beginning of the pandemic. And to me it’s clear to see that when you control the news and the media in general, you control the people. My album is meant to give the masses their own second opinion. A fresh perspective. I don’t wear skinny jeans, I don’t make trap beats, I don’t mumble, or sing with auto tune. I’m not hating, I’m just saying I don’t have anything to hide. I’m just trying to give hip-hop, and even pop culture a breath of fresh air. I’m all about love, peace, unity and providing value to the fans that enjoy being entertained by my different point of view,” the artists said, speaking about Mass Psychosis.

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