Chance The Rapper Is Liable To Fart On Your Kids’ School Desk

Chicago, IL – Chance The Rapper has donated plenty time and money to Chicago Public Schools and for that, his community is eternally grateful. But according to a recent standup routine, Lil Chano has other things on his agenda while making the CPS rounds.

On Tuesday night (June 18), Chance hit up Chicago’s Laugh Factory with wife Kirstin Corley and decided to try his hand at a comedy routine for the open mic portion the evening. During his set, he joked about what he really does at kids’ schools.

“White people know me as the guy who does stuff for schools,” he says in a clip obtained by TMZ. “What do I do for schools? You guys don’t fuckin’ know? Nobody knows what I do for schools. I’ll tell you what I do. I go to all your kids’ schools and fart in their desks. I wait for the weekend to be over to see if it’s still stale in there.”

Elsewhere in the set, Chano makes jokes about being the Kit-Kat man and fake news. As things wind down, there’s a sense Chance knows he’s bombing.

“Yeah, this is going great,” he says with a hefty dose sarcasm.

(Hey, at least he tried.)