Celtics’ Tacko Fall Issues Ominous Warning To G League Players

Basketball fans can’t get enough Tacko Fall.

Heading into the 2019 NBA Draft, Tacko Fall’s status was uncertain. While he may be one the 40 tallest people in the world, there were doubts that he could keep up with the pace necessary to play consistent minutes in the NBA. In the end, Fall ended up going undrafted but was signed as a free agent by the Boston Celtics. Fall started the season on the Celtics roster but since he’s on a two-way contract, the team decided recently to send him to the G-League affiliate, the Maine Red Claws.

According to Sean Deveney Heavy.com, Fall was recently asked about what it’s like playing in the G-League and how he feels about players trying to come after him. In order to stop a guy like Fall, you have to be physical but as he explained, that might not be the best idea.

Celtics' Tacko Fall Issues Ominous Warning To G League Players

Emilee Chinn/Getty s

“If you’re going to do it, be ready because it’s not going to go your way,” Fall said. It’s unclear what he actually plans to do in these situations but his size is enough to make you want to rethink the aggression. Fall can block you just as easily as he can dunk on you so if you want to get on his good side, maybe it would be best to exercise caution.

Hopefully, Fall can impress with the Red Claws and get himself back in the NBA.