Breonna Taylor's Boyfriend Kenneth Walker Files Federal Lawsuit Against Louisville PD

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The suit accuses Louisville PD of excessive force and unlawful search.

One day before the one-year anniversary of her tragic death, Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend Kenneth Walker decided to file a federal lawsuit against the Louisville Police Department on Friday. Walker has another state lawsuit pending over the shooting, claiming that the Louisville PD bears the “direct responsibility” of Taylor’s death. 

The death of Breonna Taylor occurred on March 13, 2020, when officers Jonathan Mattingly, Brett Hankison, and Myles Cosgrove forced entry into the apartment because they suspected that Kenneth Walker was running a drug-dealing operation. Kenneth claims that the officers did not announce their entrance, so he fired one warning shot that wounded an officer in the leg. The police fired 32 shots back, six of them hitting Breonna and tragically resulting in her death. Police did not find any drugs in the apartment. 

Breonna Taylor protest
David Ryder/Getty Images

“In view of these manifold failures by LMPD, the events that led to Ms. Taylor’s death and Mr. Walker’s injuries on March 13, 2020 — and other incidents like it — were all but inevitable,” the lawsuit said, according to the Courier-Journal. 

Kenneth Walker recently had his charges permanently dismissed with prejudice from the case, meaning that he can never be charged again. The three officers involved in the case have since all been fired from the Louisville PD. 
