The user pointed out the unfair treatment of Black creators versus White creators.
TikTok has quickly become the app of choice for many young content creators. The impressive algorithm allows everyday users to go viral without an enormous following, giving the app its charm. Additionally, the app has quickly become the premier destination for breaking new artists into the music industry.
In recent weeks, the app has come under fire for its treatment of Black content creators, who can be credited for creating many of the app’s viral dance challenges. Now, the app is being called out by another Black user for its unfair treatment of Black content creators, censoring their content while not doing the same with white creators who do the same thing.
Cindy Ord/Getty Images
“If I go into the creator marketplace and I put supporting white supremacy and I hit accept, it’s okay and it lets me have my ads and revenue. But god forbid let me put ‘Black Lives Matters on there,” juxtaposes the creator in the TikTok exposé.
“Watch, it’s a threat. Boom, innapropiate content. Can’t say that. I cannot say Black people, this is my screen recording and this is why I’m pissed the f*ck off, we’re tired, we’re tired. Okay, Black success. Boom, inappropriate content. Anything Black related is inappropriate content. Black, can’t say it, but let’s take that out of the equation. ‘White success,’ the same thing, it’s allowed. ‘Pro white,’ ‘white voices,’ it’s accepted, $500,” he explained further, showing the monetization differences.
“But when I say pro-Black, a threat,” he adds further. The exposé sparked further criticism from users who subsequently demanded answers from the Chinese company.
What are your thoughts?