Bill Cosby’s Father’s Day Tweet Was Crafted From Behind Bars: Report

Bill Cosby’s rep sent out the tweet after America’s least favorite father told him exactly what to say.

Bill Cosby still thinks he’s America’s favorite dad, although he was ficially stripped that title after he was convicted sexual assault. Although he’s behind bars, he wished fathers across America a Happy Father’s Day. “Hey, Hey, Hey…It’s America’s Dad…I know it’s late, but to all the Dads… It’s an honor to be called a Father, so let’s make today a renewed oath to fulfilling our purpose — strengthening our families and communities,” the message read. Many thought it was sent out by his PR team but apparently, he was the one telling them what to say.

TMZ recently spoke to Bill Cosby’s rep, Andrew Wyatt, who revealed that he got a call from the disgraced comedian on Sunday night, asking to send out a Father’s Day message on his social media accounts. Bill Cosby dictated what the tweet should read and apparently, this is something he does ten. Wyatt said that Cosby’s on the phone or speaking with his team three to four times a month. 

Cosby was met with criticism for the tweet, as you could imagine. No one really wanted to hear any sort advice parenthood by a convicted predator, especially since he still thinks himself as America’s TV dad. Wyatt later clarified that Cosby was simply referring to what the other inmates refer to him as.