Bernie Sanders Reveals His Favorite Rapper On "Desus & Mero:" Watch

Sanders has to keep his relationships intact.

Bernie Sanders is one the frontrunners in the Democratic Primary and the people seem to love him for his unique approach to politics that focuses on the middle class, first and foremost. Sanders has received praise from numerous people in the hip-hop community and recently, he sat down with Desus & Mero for an interview that went outside the norm.

Sanders was immediately asked who his favorite rapper is and not surprisingly, he said Killer Mike. Of course, Killer Mike has been a huge supporter Sanders and the two have been seen together on numerous occasions. Sanders also gave a shoutout to Cardi B as the two sat down together for an interview.

From there, Sanders explained his plans to legalize Marijuana which is a huge issue in the country right now. Essentially, Sanders wants to make the drug legal while also removing people’s criminal records.

“Under the controlled substances act, marijuana is at the same level as heroin, which is insane,” Sanders said. “So we take it out that, which essentially legalizes marijuana all over this country. And the second thing we do is move to expunge the records those people who have been arrested for marijuana.”

Near the end the interview, Sanders also got to give his take on the ridiculous resale prices for the world’s most expensive sneakers.