Bernie Sanders Flexes Wet Jumper And Gets Straight Buckets: Watch

Sanders is giving everyone free buckets.

Bernie Sanders is currently in the midst a battle to become the Democratic nominee for president in 2020. Sanders is currently in the primary stage and is one the top three candidates along with Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden. The senator from Vermont has been in politics for a long time but he only got national attention in 2015 and 2016 when he ran against Hillary Clinton for the same position. Sanders is mostly known for his populist approach to democratic socialism which has caused quite a bit tension between him and the more moderate candidates.

Whether you agree with Sanders’ politics is one thing but what you can’t deny, is just how silky smooth his jump-shot is. In footage obtained by TMZ, Sanders comes through five straight buckets that will seriously have you reconsidering your vote.

Sanders has been campaigning across the country as late and his jump-shot is just another way endearing himself amongst voters. When candidates are relatable, they tend to do quite well and this could potentially be an example that. Even though it’s such a small clip, his cool factor certainly goes up, despite being the oldest candidate in the race.

While Sanders is promising free health care and education, he’s also promising free buckets.