B-Real & Chuck D Address Gun Violence In Prophets Of Rage Video "Pop Goes The Weapon"

Shortly after returning home from a European tour, Prophets Of Rage — Public Enemy’s Chuck D and DJ Lord, Cypress Hill’s B-Real and Rage Against The Machine’s Tim Commerford, Tom Morello and Brad Wilk — are back with a new video.

Titled “Pop Goes The Weapon,” the track takes aim at America’s mass shooting epidemic with B-Real handling the bulk the vocal duties. Throughout the visual, a list all the mass shootings that took place in the U.S. this year start to scroll across the screen, beginning with January 1 in South Carolina.

As explained in an Instagram post, “This song reflects the ongoing gun violence happening in America. Guns are both the subject religious worship AND huge prits in the United States.

“Combined with emboldened white nationalism the recent epidemic massacres is little surprise. #PopGoesTheWeapon channels our ‘thoughts & prayers’ through Marshall stacks & microphones.”

According to the Gun Violence Archives, there have been 283 mass shootings, 37,662 total shooting incidents, resulting in 9,932 gun deaths and 19,868 injuries as September 1. GVA defines a mass shooting as any incident in which at least four people were shot, excluding the shooter.

“Pop Goes The Weapon” follow the group’s previous single, “Made With Hate,” which dropped in June.

Check out the video above.