Azealia Banks Reportedly Continues To Ignore $142,000 Credit Card Bill

Azealia’s got some debt to take care .

Rapper Azealia Banks is reportedly still outrunning a judgment by City National Bank for a credit card with an overdue amount  $142,287.34. According to The Blast, the “212” rapper didn’t show up to court to handle the matter that was caused when she took out two credit cards and apparently stopped making payments in 2016. Azealia also had a line credit $50,000 and the bank sued for all amounts plus interest.

The bank is fighting to locate Azealia and a judge has granted them more time to do so to serve her with legal papers. The last time Azealia was tracked down was on April 5th when a UPS delivery person asked for her last name to receive a package. When she said “Banks,” the delivery man handed her over papers and she quickly changed her story alleging to not be Azealia. 

Azealia Banks Reportedly Continues To Ignore $142,000 Credit Card Bill
Chelsea Lauren/Getty s

It seems as though Azealia has been occupying her time with throwing jabs at others in the industry instead her financial matters. She recently fat-shamed Rihanna after previously referring to Lizzo as a “dumpy fat girl.”

“The fact that the public and the media has been keeping this fat girl joke going for so long is honestly peak boredom,” Azealia wrote the “Truth Hurts” singer. “This song is not good nor is the dumpy fat girl spectacle live set she does. Saddest bit is that the girl is legit talented and truly only being allowed to shine so long as she allows herself to be this millenial mammy sorts,”