Austin Strange Taps Right Into Our Souls With New Release “Elevator”

Austin Strange has the potential to be the alternative pop sensation of the decade and his debut single “Elevator” is here to prove it. 

Austin is an extraordinary  artist and everything about his  is so out-of -the box type. He has got a voice of an angel and delivers vocal experience that’s absolutely perfect. He’s an expert in customizing the genre to his own preferences, rather than riding with the flow, something few artists can claim doing.  

Elevator is the type of song you can listen to all the time, when you’re sad, when you’re happy, when you’re sick and tired and when you’re in love: It’s a cure for all diseases! 

Austin is a real artist, someone who has the inborn talent, the musical professionalism and does not fear going against the grain and creating a distinctive style that is truly his own.
Follow Austine’s Instagram not to miss out on what’s coming and check “Elevator” now!