Britney Spears called out her haters on Instagram and said she’s done doing live performances.
Britney Spears went off on her haters on Instagram, Saturday, and declared that she is quitting her Vegas gig and not doing any more live performances “anytime soon.” Her new post comes amidst a viral legal battle to get out of her conservatorship.
“For those of you who choose to criticize my dancing videos … look I’m not gonna be performing on any stages anytime soon with my dad handling what I wear, say, do, or think!!!! I’ve done that for the past 13 years …”
She continued: “And no I’m not gonna put on heavy makeup and try try try on stage again and not be able to do the real deal with remixes of my songs for years and begging to put my new music in my show for MY fans … so I quit !!!!”

Alberto E. Rodriguez / Getty Images
Her continued efforts to escape the conservatorship has sparked a massive “#FreeBritney” movement.
She concluded: “I’m gonna go read a mother fucking fairy tale now !!!! Psss if you don’t want to see my precious ass dancing in my living room or it’s not up to your standards … go read a fucking book.”
Earlier in the week, Spears went off on those close to her who have “never showed up.”
Check out Spears’ rant below.